It doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, transgendered, or anything else, everyone should have exactly equal rights, especially in the "good 'ole U S of A." Well, unfortunately, that isn't true... YET!
I have been closely following the disgraceful story of Carrie Prejean, the woman who apparently "represents" the state of California as Ms. California.
She's gotten more than her 15 minutes of fame already. In fact, I'd say it's time the tables turned on her hatred, and that of her loyal raving followers, who think she's the best thing since sliced bread.
I despise this woman, based upon her "Christian" morals alone. HOW is it okay for her to bash the rights of AMERICAN CITIZENS? They pay taxes, just like everyone (okay, mostly everyone) else, have jobs, help stimulate the economy... You get the gist of what I'm saying. To me, and many others who agree with my opinions, her willingness to let an approximately 2,000 year old FAIRY TALE dictate her life, and make her decide that gay men and women can't marry the people they love... It's complete ludicrous!
Anyways, I was on Twitter, and I did a search to see what was being said about her. I found this post:

I was insulted to say the least. So I responded with two posts of my own:

And THIS was the response I got to those messages (read these from the bottom post up):

HOW FREAKIN' REDICULOUS IS THAT? WHAT AN UNINFORMED POOP! Also, notice that he didn't touch the question I asked him...
Oh! And I was told by a friend that this ass continued his rant, then acted paranoid. Here's what he said...

Doesn't sound very stable, especially after that last post, does he?
AT this point in time, I'd also like to point out the hypocrisy that Ms. Prejean is representing in having lied to the pageant in her contract in which she lied about having taken any nude or semi-nude photos at any time in the past... Would a "good Christian girl" even be showing her body off like that, especially if she was 17 when the pictures were taken like she claimed? Or better yet, would a "good Christian girl" get breast implants?
On top of that, I've been on many different websites, which both show or don't show the pictures, and I've been reading the comments on them. It's amazing how those of us who believe that she should lose the crown are called derogatory names for our beliefs... Regardless of the fact that they're not based upon the comment she made in the pageant, but instead on her breaking her contract, which is available on the Fox News website HERE... Take a look at that, and then tell me if you think she broke her contract or not...
1 comment:
Dude! What a morron!!! LOL.
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