Well, it happened again. I had another amazing dream in which I worked with Hugh Jackman!
I wish I could remember everything about it, but some aspects of the dream are already leaving me. So here's what I do remember:
It started off with me in a crowd (near the front of it) right by some random room which I had seen Hugh walk into. Once in there, I raised my voice a little to be heard over the crowd and said hi. Hugh responded in kind, then grabbed my hand and pulled me right to the threshold of the door. We chatted for a bit about inconsequential things before our conversation turned to more serious topics.
We had just started talking about some of Hugh's upcoming movie work when Deborra-lee Furness walked in from another door across and to the right from where I was. She was in some sort of flight stewardess outfit, and appeared to be much heavier than I know her to be. Of course, this was a dream, so I didn't make any comment about that, but I did say hi to Deborra as well and shake her hand. (Somehow, at that point, I was now in the room, though I have no memory of walking into the room, just to the threshold.) Deborra smiled at me, and Hugh picked something up off the floor and started talking with someone else who seemed to just appear in the room. As Hugh and the other man talked, Deborra and I started chatting about her career and how much I had enjoyed her short "Standing Room Only."
I can only assume that Hugh and the other man were listening in, because Hugh jumped back into the conversation and the other man was suddenly gone again.
Soon after that, I was just walking out the door I had come in from, and Hugh stopped me again. This time, he told me that if I wanted to continue getting the access I had to people like him, even when there was a crowd, I had to blend in. While he said this, he pointed out a group of people in very plain clothes, and whispered to me that they were actually security. I remember that all of them were wearing various colors of long sleeved flannel shirts, which makes me assume that we may have been in New York again.
Anyways, after Hugh pointed out the plainclothesmen, he also reminded me that the attitude I had kept (very calm about being around him), was something that was good for anyone who wanted to work in the film industry, because a majority of celebrities prefer it when you don't get overly excited about meeting them.
After that was the point where the dream started to get kind of weird.
Somehow, after I walked away from Hugh in that little building/room, the dream shifted and suddenly I was in some sort dirt pit, about 6 feet deep and at least 30 feet wide. Hugh was back with me, and we were in some sort of weird golf cart. I remember the definite shape of the cart being identical to a real golf cart, but there were half doors on each side, like the ones that are on toddler cars. (The only difference is that the doors on the cart were white.)
So, we're sitting in this cart, looking up at tons of people yammering excitedly around the top edge of the pit in some foreign language that sounded ancient (I actually think it might have been the language of the Maya), and trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
A couple minutes later, someone who appeared to be the leader of the group surrounding us appeared. He babbled in their weird language before somehow explaining to us that we had to survive our trip in this pit. At these comments, the crowd began cheering wildly, and suddenly, we were off.
In the cart, Hugh was driving and I was sitting next to him. We both looked around but really saw nothing in the pit but us, so we kind of glanced at each other and shrugged. Then, Hugh started driving us in circles around the pit, over and over again.
While we were doing this, random people would jump down into the pit, and we'd see them struggling for their lives, even though nothing ever touched us. It was really weird, but we were grateful for the safety. All I know is that I was curious as to what happened to those people that they were struggling to survive and appeared to be in the grip of some invisible being.
Several minutes later, we were still driving around when all the crowd started cheering. Hugh then put the stopped the cart near where we had first been in it, then we both climbed out. Instantly, Hugh was pulled up and out of the pit, while I jumped up until my arms were resting at the top of the pit (like how you hold onto the side of a pool), and my feet were just dangling into the pit below me.
I'm not entirely sure what happened next, but I do remember that a more minor person in authority stopped Hugh from reaching down to help me out of the pit. This man said something to the effect of "Do you want to drown?" I was really confused by his statement until I saw the water flowing in from the bottom of the pit, with a tendril of it wrapped around my right calf. Hugh shook his head, then carefully stood up straight again, and just waited for the pit to fill so that I could be released.
The pit filling didn't take very long, and soon I was up to my mid-chest in water. At that point, I suddenly remember feeling free, and I was grabbed by two of the observers near me and pulled out. I gave Hugh a hug, and that was when I woke up.
Weird dream, huh? What's your opinion on it?