This was originally going to be posted on, but was turned down as too polarizing. Since I did write the article, I was given permission by the admin of the site to post that article here, so hopefully I can do it justice in this setting. And with that said, here's the article!

Hello, my fellow Truebies! Thanks to the awesome AdoreBill, I discovered that the ORIGINAL Queen of Vampires, the lovely Anne Rice, has commented on who her favorite True Blood character is on her
Facebook Page, which Anne has linked to directly from her
official website. This is what she said:
Guys, enough about Eric on True Blood. Georgie Pendragon, you are right: "Bill is the man!" I assure you that Lestat, Armand and Louis are fans of Bill Compton. Eric is a disgrace. He's cruel and one dimensional. Bad press for vampires who are such tragic and conflicted heroes. Forget about Eric.
As for all you Eric, fans, I know you may see him differently, but you are really comparing apples and oranges, as you always seem to use the books in your defense, even when we are actually discussing True Blood, which is very different from the books!
Please don't take this the wrong way, as this is obviously Anne's opinion, and one that I and other Bill fans hope that Alan Ball continues to see. After all, Alan has said that Bill is the character that brought him to the Southern Vampire Mystery series, and caused us all to get our beloved show True Blood!
(Image Source: HBO, Inc.)
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