Once we got there, I went right over to Sherrilyn Kenyon's booth, and once again enjoyed seeing Erin and the rest of the crew Sherri brought with her (Kim and Ed, I LOVE you guys! Sheri, same goes for you too, though I didn't see you as much...) After that, I ran around. I went to about 20 minutes of a panel for an animated movie coming out next year called Quantum Quest... The animation I saw was STUNNING! I may not have known what the movie was originally, but I'm definitely interested now.
For that panel, I skipped out pretty quickly, since it was an hour, but I actually was running to the panel my awesome godmother, Wendy All, was on. That one was at 12:30, and again, I wasn't able to go to the whole thing, but this time it was because I had to check in for my volunteer work, which was really boring. But back to the panel.... It was Comic-Con in the 70's, and actually very interesting, from what I saw... (I did learn something completely unrelated to it though... I need to get a tripod for my video camera... I'm apparently pretty damned shaky when just taking straight film!) One of my favorite moments in the panel was when I was indirectly mentioned by my godmom... She talked about how she warped the minds of children, so I did what I do best, and responded directly to her statement, saying that I was grateful for her having warped me... I wouldn't be who I am without her influence. It got a laugh from the audience, and a huge grin from Wendy. Made my morning...
Unfortunately, after that, I had to run to my volunteer work. It ended up being me and another girl just standing outside in the direct sunlight for 3 hours, leaving both of us not feeling well, and rather irritated (with INCREDIBLY sore feet!)... No wonder we both sought out booth 1220, aka Sherri's booth... Of course, she was looking for Sherri, and I was more focused on my amazing akri Erin... Either way, I got a BIG hug from him, and it made me feel better, at least for a little bit.
I did end up staying there for a while, and I did run into Sherri (and her awesomely sweet hubby Ken, and her incredibly cute children!). So, I did what I most enjoy... I sat down at the seating which was luckily right across from Sherri's booth, then relaxed, letting my sore muscles take a break for a while...
Then I moved on. By now it was about 6pm, and I decided to search out the True Blood stuff, which I still haven't found. (However, this morning, I lucked out and got a special True Blood matchbook which says Fangtasia on it. It's one of only 200 in existence! I think it's my treasure from Con this year!) Instead of finding True Blood, I found another author I used to read a lot - Kevin J. Anderson. He used to write books in the Star Wars universe, as did his wife, and now he has the famous Dune series... He and Rebecca, his wife, were in a part of Con called "Artist's Alley." I spent a good hour or so there, just talking to Kevin and his wife about writing, and how they both got into it, then I got my cheap purse signed by both of them! It's pretty freakin' awesome!
After I left, I just walked around for a while before going back to Sherri's booth and just hanging out. I stayed for several hours, then went to Ballroom 20, where there would be a showing of Michael Dougherty's movie Trick 'r Treat. I got in early, and lucked into seeing the WORLD PREMIERE of the new animated Green Lantern movie! It was really good, lots of fun and laughs to be had, even though the movie was in all honesty pretty corny and very clichéd and predictable. Truth is, that movie wouldn't have worked any other way. I really enjoyed the movie, and I highly recommend it to anyone who has young children who like superheros.
After the Green Lantern movie was over, it was time for the Trick 'r Treat screening. I was really excited, since it would end at midnight, and midnight would mean that it was Friday, and officially Anna Paquin's birthday... I was really hoping to give her a birthday present (pictures to come in a later post), but Anna ended up not showing. Instead, before the movie started, there was a panel with the film's director, Michael Dougherty, and many of the actors from the movie, including Brian Cox.
Now that may not seem to important to someone like me who has an overactive imagination and holds a desperate fear of horror films, but to me this was a REALLY big deal, as Michael is one of the top dogs who penned X-Men 2: X-Men United, and Brian Cox played baddie William Stryker in X2. (And it should be obvious that Anna played Rogue in the X-Men trilogy though I STILL don't believe that X3 actually exists... But that's a rant for another day...)
So, I was more excited for the chance to see all these people who were involved with one of my favorite movies than any real particular interest in Trick 'r Treat (though I admit to enjoying the ironies of Anna Paquin playing a girl who gets killed by a vampire in Trick 'r Treat, then becoming the star of True Blood and playing a character who is in a deep and committed relationship with a vampire who loves her...)
Well, here's where I take a quick break from my typing, and post a couple of pictures from the panel... Where I was seated in the FRONT ROW Center seats of the room. Literally right in front of me is the panel seating...

This was really cool except for one thing... I was unable to sit through the entire film. And it wasn't because of my typical inability to watch horror films (normally I can't stand them since I have an overly active imagination and I get nightmares from such things)... Unfortunately for me, it was because I actually got sick, which sucks because I was really enjoying the movie! Yes, what little I did see grossed me out, but the movie was both scary AND incredibly funny! I was laughing almost as much as I was cringing! So, it really sucked to not see the final outcome of the movie!
Since I left early, I, along with my cousin Corey, took the trolley back towards SDSU. What we didn't realize was that the trolley stop we needed was already over for the night! We actually had taken a different route, thinking it'd be easy, but boy were we wrong. Once we got off the trolley at the stop, there were a couple of cops on the opposite side of the station, and we hailed them to ask about the line to SDSU that we needed. Once they told us it was done for the night, we walked up towards the street, and ended up at a BJ's Restaurant. Since they were closing down for the night, I had the guy cleaning the bar call a cab for us, and that's how we got back, well after midnight, to his VERY loud apartment!
It seems that while we were out, his room mates decided to have a party. Nice, and the people who were over were nice, but I was tired and wanted to go to sleep... It took a couple hours before that happened!
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