Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Evidence that I'm a Serious Kenyon Minion...

Ok, I'm a college student. I just want to make sure you understand that before you read this...

Well, one of my classes is History of the Middle East. Now, I LOVE this class. It deals with ancient cultures that I care about, and love studying. So what happened earlier today is more than slightly embarrassing and funny to me...

Basically, we were discussing the Ancient Persians and the Ancient Greeks fighting over land in class today. Somehow, we got slightly off topic, and began discussion various Greek city-states, like Sparta and Macedonia and Thrace. Well, I was not entirely paying attention (I was actually on the Dark-Hunter BBS©), and I spoke out of context as we discussed the city states. What did I say? Well, I asked about Julian and Prince Kyrian, respectively from Sparta and Thrace. Now, I instantly realized my blunder, as my teacher (who actually looks like he could be a Greek demi-god) looked at me and said in a very dry, and rather sarcastic tone, "I don't have a clue who you're talking about, maybe you'd like to inform the class about these people you've mentioned?"

Well, I blushed and sank down in my seat, before glaring at my computer screen and trying to forget that I was screwing around instead of paying attention... And you'd think the story ended here...

Not 15 minutes after the first disruption I caused in class, we were beginning to talk about how next week, we move on to Alexander the Great, and his building of his army. THIS time, I muttered (and I swear it was under my breath), "Acheron should be mentioned too!"

Well, I sit in the front of the room. The teacher heard me again... Only he knew who Acheron was (I've discussed Sherri's books with him before), and this time, he looked at me and practically growled, "Your obsession with Acheron and his friends MAY help you study for this class, but that still doesn't mean they're real!"

And, to make it worse, I heard snickers from the back of the classroom. I assumed from how they sounded that someone else knew EXACTLY what I was talking about...

Now why couldn't THEY have been the one to do all this? I just made myself the laughingstock of my favorite class!

I hope everyone forgets by Monday!


Ryu Desol said...

don't be embrassed! nothing to be ashamed of! screw them! if they don't know what you are talking about they are missing on the greatest series ever!

Jenn Baker said...

I still think it's awesome!!!! Nothing to embarassed about. I once told my High school agriculture teacher that he was wrong because that is not how Jim Craig (character from the Man From Snowy River) did it!!! LOL. Only my best friend knew who Jim Craig was......

Callista Rose said...

i can't believe you were able to sit through that class. well it appears you know more than your teacher does if he doesn't know who Julian and Kyrian are. lol either that or we're all out of our minds. my history teacher in HS knew about Sherri's books and he liked them and sometimes made side references to them when we talked in class. i miss that class, best HS class ever

Wikkibird said...

Hahaha, awesome! That's fabulous! I can jut imagine your teacher growling at you. Eventually, someone is going to ask you what you are talking about. :-)

nikkibelle said...

hehe, that's funny
mixing fiction and not an unfamiliar concept to me ;)
i don't think i've heard of the dark hunter series though (except on your blog/twitter)