I WENT TO RAY BRADBURY'S 89TH BIRTHDAY!!! It was AWESOME! Basically, it was a signing at a bookstore in Glendale, CA, and I went with my awesome godmom Wendy! It was fun, and I saw a few other writers besides Ray. Plus, it was Wendy and Wendy time, and that's always a great thing! My godmom ROCKS! She's one of the most interesting people I know (same goes for her friends), and the way she shares experiences like the signings I've gone to with her are incredibly special to me. I treasure each one!
That being said, I do have a few pics to share. Some come from my camera, others come from my godmom and her friends, which I got and share here (with permission) via facebook.
Here are mine:

Me and Ray as he signs my copy of Fahrenheit 451...

Me and Ray again, just after he'd finished signing my book...

My Godmom Wendy and Earl Hamner, Jr.
As for the pics I didn't take:

Earl Hamner, Jr., My Godmom Wendy, Me, George Clayton Johnson, & Jackie Estrada...
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