This is shot #1 of my favorite work station in my house.

Shot #2 of the same workstation...

Scarf #1 that I finished, which happened while I was in NY over my winter break...

Scarf #2 - This one was started while in NY, but finished once I got home...

This is scarf #4 that I finished. #3, which I will post a pic of as soon as I am able to, was a gift for a member of my family, so I didn't have it when I took these pics.

Scarf #5 - As you can see, I really enjoy doing stuff like this...

Scarf #6 - I just LOVE the teal under the flame-colored yarn..
Currently, I am working on scarf #7, but after that, I'm taking a break to make blanket squares from Lion's Brand® Suede Yarn, so that eventually, I'll have a multi-colored blanket for my favorite couch at home... Pictures of each square will be posted eventually, along with a pic of the final result whenever I finish it...
Those scarves are bad mama jamas! Can't wait to get one!
Erin, you're the best!
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