Friday, September 4, 2009

Day One on the Wii Fit...

Ok, today starts a new part of my life... My seriously taking on the challenge to slim down a little bit... So I started today on Wii Fit...

Let's just say it didn't quite go as planned, and made me pretty upset. First off, you always get weighed, and your BMI is measured... Let's just say that neither was what I expected... It was higher! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Well, I tried it out, and I did eventually get 30 minutes of exercise done. Hell, my sister even got me to RUN! If you know me, you know that running and I are NOT friends. But somehow, I managed to get it done! Five minutes of jogging! I'm impressed by myself!

After that, I cooled down by playing the hula-hooping game! SOOOO much fun!

Well, I expect after all that, I'll be tired tomorrow, so I think I may wait a day or three before I do it again.

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