Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My Second Time on Wii Fit...

Ok, well, it's technically four days since my last run on the Wii, and I'll tell you now it's because I'm so sore from the way Wii Fit makes you work your body! Of course, it's tons of fun, as I've mentioned previously, but still...

Anyways, today was my second time. I went through the process again of being weighed, having my BMI checked, etc... It was actually pretty cool! See, when I was weighed today, I discovered I'd lost 2.4 pounds!

2.4 LBS IN JUST 4 DAYS! Wooo-Hoooo!

Well, after the excitement, I realized that in just 4 days, my habits have already started changing. I have dropped my soda intake by at least 50% (this going months back because I realized that soda really isn't a benefit to me), I'm eating less, snacking less, and when I snack, it's on healthier alternatives, though nowhere near where I should be yet... (But I'll get there eventually.)

Of course, after I got weighed and everything, I had to work out... So I did about 21 minutes of exercises that I (mostly) hadn't done on my first try. New stuff I tried included a couple of yoga poses and some strength training... *sigh* I have a feeling that I'll be REALLY sore tomorrow!

Oh, and before I forget... I also did almost an hours worth of Wii Sports prior to getting on the Wii Fit train... Oh YEAH I'm gonna be sore tomorrow!

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